I've been on Twitter for a long time now. When I was in high school, I used to have a mindset that I didn't want to get married because 'men are trash.' But now, as I am an adult and my friends are in relationships, it would be a lie if I said I don't crave being in a relationship too. My mind has developed as I've grown up, and now, I'd say that I finally have the urge to get married. I also want to settle down and have children of my own. Unfortunately, I've never been in a real relationship. I never experienced high school romance like my friends did, and never in my life have I had someone have a crush on me. If a guy said they did, it was actually a prank or a bet. Sad.
But at the same time, being on Twitter also kind of contributes to the factor of me not wanting to get married. I've read A LOT of stories where the wife found out that their husband is actually cheating on them, either having a relationship with another woman or using e-prostitute services from Twitter. I know there are good men out there, but there are also bad men. I'm not saying that I'm a good person with no flaws and so on, but it's so scary to think that you could probably end up getting a divorce because of how shitty your partner is. Sometimes, you will get a divorce because of a very small matter that can be solved by communicating with each other. I guess not a lot of people have that skill. Some people don't know the right way to approach a problem, which leads to a huge fight, hence why the divorce happened. Well, maybe that's how fate works. But still, marriage is scary.
And yet, I want it so bad.