22 Sept 2024

forgiving is indeed a very noble act

Forgiving is indeed a very noble act.
Not everyone has the ability to do that, especially when it comes to forgiving someone who has harmed their life to the point of ruining it. These individuals often end up escaping responsibility and never taking accountability for their actions, while those who face the consequences are left to endure the pain and suffering despite being innocent. And yet, some manage to forgive despite all of this. Indeed, forgiveness is a noble act. It must take everything in them to say, "I forgive you," considering the price they’ve had to bear because of those people.
I wish I could be like that. Holding a grudge is exhausting. But knowing that these people can enjoy life, be happy, and feel free makes me bitter. I admit that I feel bitter. Why should I be overwhelmed with all these feelings while they get to be happy after stealing what should have been mine? It feels unfair. But in reality, you either get over it or do something about it. And doing something could mean seeking payback, whether for good or for bad.
So, I choose peace, even though I’m still at war with my feelings and my past. 
Hopefully, one day, I’ll sign a peace treaty with myself.
It’s the only way I’ll finally break free.

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