22 Sept 2024

forgiving is indeed a very noble act

Forgiving is indeed a very noble act.
Not everyone has the ability to do that, especially when it comes to forgiving someone who has harmed their life to the point of ruining it. These individuals often end up escaping responsibility and never taking accountability for their actions, while those who face the consequences are left to endure the pain and suffering despite being innocent. And yet, some manage to forgive despite all of this. Indeed, forgiveness is a noble act. It must take everything in them to say, "I forgive you," considering the price they’ve had to bear because of those people.
I wish I could be like that. Holding a grudge is exhausting. But knowing that these people can enjoy life, be happy, and feel free makes me bitter. I admit that I feel bitter. Why should I be overwhelmed with all these feelings while they get to be happy after stealing what should have been mine? It feels unfair. But in reality, you either get over it or do something about it. And doing something could mean seeking payback, whether for good or for bad.
So, I choose peace, even though I’m still at war with my feelings and my past. 
Hopefully, one day, I’ll sign a peace treaty with myself.
It’s the only way I’ll finally break free.

my deepest desire.

Am I, as the child, never supposed to show my dissatisfaction? I try to rationalize her anger towards me, but in doing so, I end up feeling like I have no one to blame but myself. She's right about everything when it comes to me.
God, I wish you could take away this pain I'm feeling, as well as her pain and burden. Take me away, and her life will be so much easier. It's been so long since I've felt this way, but now, all those old feelings and words are washing over me again, hitting me like waves crashing against the rocks until the rocks are shaped by them. I wonder how far I've gone.
I wish I could drive to the Penang Bridge and jump. Let them never find my body, and I’ll become food for the fish. At least then, I’d finally be useful for something.

mother's words

Things my mother has called or said to me:
  1. Anak derhaka
  2. Bodoh
  3. Anak tak boleh diharap
  4. Tak payah mintak maaf. Aku taknak tengok muka kau. Mengalir air mata darah pun aku takkan maafkan.
Although some of these words were said a long time ago, they’ve been carved deeply into my mind. No matter how much I try to forget, they keep replaying themselves over and over. I’ve tried to convince myself that I’m not who she says I am, but now I understand why I feel so cursed and unlucky in life. Maybe I was born to be a failure. Maybe I was a mistake, someone my mom wishes she could have gotten rid of.
I just hope that one day, when I disappear completely from her life, she’ll be happy. She’ll still have three children left when I’m gone. I’ll just be one less burden.

19 Sept 2024

manipulation and entitlement of a mother. (respect? i'm losing it.)

Just a late night thought.

As a child, do you actually owe your parents? Especially your mother? I’m not talking about devoted mothers, but the ones who feel entitled to everything. They think they deserve their child’s respect even when they show no respect for their child’s mental well-being. All they care about is their reputation.

I have someone in my life like this. She always complains that our parents never cared for her, but she’s doing the same thing to her son. If you're reading this, yes, I’m talking about you. I never say anything about it, always agreeing because you're older. But sometimes I wonder, what goes through your mind before you call your child dumb, stupid, and so on?

I understand you want your son to excel academically, but why must you keep using those hurtful words? I know he's not your biological son, but can’t you consider his feelings? He's only 8 years old. He might not fully realize yet that what you're saying is harmful, probably because of the way you’ve brainwashed him to think that you're doing this out of love. But as someone who was once a daughter to our mother, I know it’s hurtful, and I still remember it.

Do you ever consider that you might be scarring him for life? That your words could make him grow up to be insecure, with low self-esteem? You claim to care and love him, but I don’t see that in how you treat him. You treat him as though he doesn’t have feelings. I don’t care if you're trying to "toughen him up." He could grow up lacking empathy, becoming just like his biological parents, whom you constantly criticize.

To me, you're no better than your ex-husband. He may have been physically abusive, but you're torturing your son mentally. If you told me to ask him whether you’re hurting him, of course, I wouldn’t get any clear answer. He’ll always defend you because you’ve made him believe you're doing this for his own good. He won't realize how hurtful it is until one day, he learns that he could have received real love from someone who wasn’t selfish or lacking in empathy.

I also hate how entitled you feel, believing that your son owes you respect even after you call him stupid. Sure, you apologize afterward, but seriously? There are so many other ways to teach and nurture him, but you choose to be harsh. Your excuses are garbage.

You always say I have a short temper, but you're worse. You call our dad crazy and say he should get treatment, but you're no better. In fact, you're worse. One last thing, I hope you stop looking down on other people.

10 Sept 2024

rose coloured you

 He often asks me,
“What do you think of me?”
Oh, my dear,
If only you could read my mind,
Step inside, and see through my eyes—
Every thought of you
Pulls me deeper,
Makes me fall harder.

You make me smile like a fool
With every conversation we share,
My heart races,
Butterflies swirl inside me—
So many, I think I could burst.

That’s how I feel,
That’s what I think.
But, oh, my dear,
If only you knew,
If only you could see
How I see you.

9 Sept 2024

the unsent letters

Hands dance swiftly,
Blank paper waiting to be filled,
My tears witness every line,
Now forever etched upon it,
Plead, coax, hate, love,
Unfolded on the sheets of paper,
Which now increasingly pile up,
And become only a relic,
When life has flown away,
Fire licks,
As a symbol of eternal love.

8 Sept 2024

echoes of a month


A month ago,
We wandered under the Eiffel Tower,
Hand in hand,
Romance etched in a kiss,
The tower, a silent witness.

A month ago,
Joy twisted into pain,
Screams became the background,
Familiar now, yet still shocking,
Tears in shattered eyes,
Footsteps fading away,
Leaving a trembling form,
Wishing time would pause.

Now, a month later,
She moves on,
Life regains its hue,
Yet echoes of the past remain,
He stands there,
Returning once again.

the room within

My mind is like a cluttered room,
Chaotic and unkempt,
Filled with scraps of imagined art,
Pages scrawled with jumbled thoughts.
I’m unsure of what I’m thinking,
It’s a mess, tangled and frayed.
They say a mind reflects its owner,
Perhaps that’s how others see me.